
I’ve been attending Bobby’s classes in her magical studio and online for almost 20 years. Bobby has a rare gift in bringing the best out in all her students, regardless of their experience or aptitude; treating us all as individuals to be developed, whilst uniting us through a drawing exercise or project. Creating an irresistible invitation to explore, and a like minded community to do so with. Bobby’s support over many, many years has been fundamental in me finding my way back to art and I cannot imagine that I would be painting as I am today without it. To draw in her Notting Hill studio is a special experience that only those who have been lucky enough to do will to understand.

Charlotte Houlihan

One of my favourite gigs: easy to get to, pays well and the hours are good. Bobby's studio is one of the loveliest, most comfortable spaces I've ever modelled in. There's a nice space to get changed and keep my stuff, everything is always clean, and Bobby is very careful of the model's well-being and goes out of her way to make sure the heater is where it needs to be. Many of the students have been attending for years, the atmosphere is always friendly; during breaks, I can choose to socialise or keep to myself with a book, and people are fine either way. Besides, the focus of the classes tends to vary, so the work itself is very interesting and I feel like an active part of the students' development. I could go on and on about how much I love this.

Marinella (model)

Bobby Gill’s classes are life enhancing. The teaching is wonderful without being daunting. The studio is a delight, the students friendly and the models always interesting. Joining Bobby Gill’s classes has been one of the best things decisions I have made.

Judith Body

Thank you for a unique & wonderful teaching. It has transformed and uplifted my skill because you know exactly what I need exactly when I need it. Over the many years I’ve been coming to the classes, it has become the crucial, the joyful, and the most challenging part of my art and of my week. Aside from the tip top teaching, it is always a felicitous studio, music, light and friendship. Thank you so much.

Kate Fleming

Bobby’s life classes changed my life. I’ve learned so much from her. The classes focus on every aspect of drawing and each week new settings and models are a source of inspiration. Tea and biscuits too!

Christie Brown

Bobby’s classes are great. The atmosphere is relaxing as is the music. Under her gentle instruction I think I have learnt to better express myself through life drawing and am able to have a go. Bobby is always encouraging. Its a wonderful way to spend an evening.

Frank Lipman

Bobby is one of my favourite artists to work with. Her teaching method is gentle but exacting, she has an approach for every creative challenge. I highly recommend her life drawing classes.

JC Modelling

My first experience of Bobby’s wonderful classes was via zoom, during the pandemic in 2021. Bobby’s supportive and encouraging instruction gave me the confidence to grow from a tentative start to become more confident in my ability to express myself visually. I joined the studio class when Bobby opened it up again, and have enjoyed every minute of my time there, feeling constantly inspired to do more and to explore different approaches, learning as the weeks go by.


When my husband gave me his place at one of Bobby’s first life drawing classes because he ran out of time, it was the best present ever! Bobby taught me not to be afraid of blank paper or canvas or of being an artist. Now, her Zoom classes are a lifeline for me in a remote part of the French Pyrenees.

Alison Beckett

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